




Call Agents


With the international marketing industry evolving rapidly and becoming extremely competitive, businesses find themselves needing to focus on retaining their existing customers and acquiring new ones. This is where Call-In Service can really help bridge that gap, as we a specialized call centre solutions provider for small and large companies.

Customer Service
With our multilingual and multichannel capabilities, we can deliver state-of-art customer service across all channels, ensuring a higher CX.

Tech Support
We have certified engineers to handle all tech support needs of your customers, focusing on the first-contact resolution.

Answering Services
One of our leading inbound call center solutions, the phone answering service, helps us provide your customers with timely and accurate information.

As a part of our outbound call center solutions, we offer telemarketing services in over 15 languages to our clients.

Research And Survey
Our outbound call center services include research and survey offering in multiple languages. These services are especially beneficial to businesses looking to enter a new market or launch a new product or service.

Lead Generation
Lead generation is one of our most prominent outbound call center outsourcing services. We offer GDPR-compliant lead generation services to our UK and EU clients.